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Questions: 1. What initiative styles represent their prosperity? 2. What authority abilities/practices would you be able to recognize tha...
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Do we need a world treasury to finance peace Essay
Do we need a world treasury to finance peace - Essay Example On the national level these workers are funded for their efforts towards restoring peace. However, in a global perspective, financial resources towards peace-keeping are scarce. In this context, creating a World Treasury would be the first step in working towards global harmony. A WORLD TREASURY: Jan Tinbergen, co-recipient of the first Nobel Prize for economics, observed that almost every ministry at the national level corresponded to some international organization, with the exception of a treasury. Yet without a treasury, which collects taxes and uses them to finance all the other ministries, any government would soon collapse. He therefore proposed the creation of a World Treasury, which could finance peacekeeping, development and protection of the global environment. A World Treasury could raise revenue by auctioning global resources. It would be the logical institution to perform this essential role. Of course, an international board or an elected world parliament, should oversee the proper use of the funds raised in this way and ensure accountability at all levels. Such a method to help finance U.N. peacekeeping operations and sustainable development has five advantages: First, it frees financially pressed governments from paying ever higher contributions. Second, it gives the United Nations and its family of international organizations a more reliable source of funds to meet urgent global needs. Third, it avoids divisive and difficult negotiations over how much each country should contribute, since the richer countries naturally end up paying a higher share. Fourth, it uses market principles to improve the efficiency of allocating scarce resources. And fifth, it helps prevent possible future wars over those resources. (Fischer, Dietrich, p.12). Financing the peace movement and the peace operations from the World Treasury will become imperative. The funds will be used globally for peace-keeping. PEACE
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Childhood Obesity in the US Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Childhood Obesity in the US - Research Paper Example There is no agreement on the definition of childhood obesity. The Body Mass Index remains the most commonly used method to measure obesity. Other professionals also assert that a 20% higher weight of an individual of a certain height and age constitutes obesity. Others also maintain more than 25% for boys and 32% in girls (Emedicine Health, n.d). Obesity is not a problem of the under developed world. People in third world countries face the problem of malnutrition. Obesity, therefore poses health risks to the lives of people in the industrialized world. In United States alone, sixty percent of adults and fifteen percent of children come under the definition of obesity (Tessmer, Hagen, Beecher, 2006). The health hazards related to obesity create problems not only for adults, but also for children (Caprio et. al., 2008). The issue of childhood obesity remains a very challenging one. The problem of childhood obesity is of increasing prevalence. Obesity does not only affect the weight of a person, it destroys the self-esteem of a person. ââ¬Å"Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and depression are some of the dangerous risks of obesityâ⬠(Tessmer, Hagen, & Beecher, 2006). Different reasons are associated for this ever-increasing problem. The paper attempts to discuss those various factors. Certain factors that deserve due respect include that of cultural factors, biological factors and socioeconomic ones, as mentioned in the topic. However, these factors are not solely responsible for obesity. Specifically, parental influences and attitudes also account for an increase in youth Obesity. Many experts claim that the environment that individuals live in play an important part in determining the lifestyle of a certain person. The environment consists of culture. Sociologically, culture is a system formed by a common understanding. It also shapes the perspectives of different individuals inhibiting a certain society. With regard to obesity, different cultures have different interpretations. Some may consider obesity as a health problem, while others may not. Culture also shapes the eating and working habits of individuals (Caprio et. al., 2008). Illness and deviance form a major part of culture, therefore obesity has a strong cultural background. In some societies, obesity may come under consideration of deviance. Deviance is a divergence from certain norms and values of the society. Different ethnic groups also form different societies within a certain society, in this case the United States. Different cultural factors of various ethnic groups play a major role in a div erse society such as the US. In a country like United States, which supports different types of ethnic groups, different perspectives are most likely to occur. Culture variation therefore occurs due to migration. In addition, in the increasingly globalised world of today, culture has had a profound impact. Certain eating habits have developed because of increased international trade. Promotional food marketing has also occurred due to increased communication. Such patterns have contributed to unhealthy eating habits in the US (Caprio et. al., 2008). Values remain an important part of the culture of different societies. Although the definition of body size is generalized, different ethnic groups and populations have different perceptions about body size. Different ethnic groups reside in the US, for example, African Americans, Fijians, and sub-Saharan Africans among others. Generally, these groups prefer larger body sizes compared to Europeans. Therefore, perceptions of obesity diffe r. These perceptions have led to an increase in child obesity
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Movie Catch Me If You Can Film Studies Essay
The Movie Catch Me If You Can Film Studies Essay A confidence artist is somebody who exploits a person in order to obtain something of value for free or next to nothing. The first known con man was in England in 1849 when an American would ask strangers if they had the confidence to give him their watches, he would then run away with the object. Con artists usually have clever schemes, and have devised scams to rob victims as quickly and easily as possible. A very important factor for the artist is to gain the confidence of the victim, which was something Frank Abagnale did very well. By wearing the pilots uniform he received respect and admiration from those around him, after all, why would a pilot be scamming? Slide 2 Book Quote A Quote from the Book: Frank W. Abagnale, alias Frank Williams, Robert Conrad, Frank Adams, and Robert Monjo, was one of the most daring con men, forgers, impostors, and escape artists in history. In his brief but notorious criminal career, Abagnale donned a pilots uniform and co-piloted a Pan Am jet, masqueraded as the supervising resident of a hospital, practiced law without a license, passed himself off as a college sociology professor, and cashed over $2.5 million in forged checks, all before he was twenty-one. Known by the police of twenty-six countries and all fifty states as The Skywayman, Abagnale lived a lavish life on the fly until the law caught up with him. Now recognized as the nations leading authority on financial foul play, Abagnale is a charming rogue whose hilarious, stranger-than-fiction international escapades and ingenious escapes including one from an airplane make Catch Me If You Can an irresistible tale of deceit. From the back cover of the book Catch Me If You Can The movie Catch Me If You Can is very loosely based on the novel. There are several differences which make the two works very unalike. The movie shuffles around the events of the novel and even adds some cons which Frank never performed, like posing as a French teacher. The film also puts more emphasis on the FBI who are chasing Frank while the novel portrays Frank as almost unstoppable until he is finally caught in France. Slide 3 Forgery Quotes The Real Story: Frank conned his way into getting a pilots uniform and forged a FAA document, and he was still only 17. He deadheaded all over America while illegally withdrawing money from hundreds of banks. Frank was using a fake name of Frank Williams, and after a bit, he decided to settle down, and bought a flat in Atlanta. There he met a doctor, and was temporarily hired as a pediatrician, still without completing high school. Frank stayed there for almost a year, before someone else came to claim the job. He then flew to the southern part of the U.S., and became an official lawyer, with a fake diploma from Harvard, and passed the bar exam on his third and final try. He left after 9 months and became a university professor specializing in sociology in Utah, where he taught summer classes. While posing as a professional, Frank never cashed a fake check. Franks criminal career was set into motion at the age of 16 when his parents divorced. While living with his successful father, he found out that his dad did a lot of drinking. This partly caused Abagnales decision to hang around the wrong kids, and one day he got in trouble for stealing a car. Frank Sr. bailed out his mischievous son, and when Frank turned 16, his father bought him a car. This car, an old Ford, led Frank to his ultimate downfall; his love for promiscuous women. Frank needed money because being with women was expensive, and by using a gas card he scammed his father of $3,400, which was valued at much more during the 1960s than it is today. After traveling the States for a little longer and storing conned cash in safe boxes, Frank went to Europe, and started paperhanging there as well. He came up with a fake airline crew, and toured for a summer, while exploiting banks. After bring caught Frank rotted in a French prison for 6 months before being transferred to a Swedish jail. Frank was eventually deported to the States, where he escaped, only to be caught months later. SLIDE 4 Movie Clip The Themes behind the Story: Broken Homes The most important theme in Catch Me If You Can is how a troubled childhood can drastically affect ones life. Franks parents divorced when he was 14 years old, leaving Frank to decide if he would like to live with either his mother or his father. He chose the latter because of two reasons, the first because he was more fond of his father, and the second because his other brothers had elected to live with his mom. Because of Franks broken family, he felt like he had to do something drastic to attract attention and draw his parents back together. Frank started hanging around with some loose-end kids from his neighborhood, and quickly became a juvenile delinquent by swiping candy and sneaking into movies. Little did he know he was on the fast track to become one of the most recognized con artists around the world. Identity As Frank struggles with coping with living alone while on the run from both his family and the police, he also struggles to find who he truly is. Posing as different professionals and using different names, Frank finds it difficult lying to those who are close to him and who he has built relationships with. Franks low point of struggling to find his identity was when he told Rosalie, the woman he was engaged to, that he was not actually an airplane pilot but a con artist. The next day when Frank went to visit his wife-to-be, a FBI car was in the driveway and Frank quickly had to take a flight across the country, never to see Rosalie again. Addiction While trying to find his own identity, Frank develops an addiction for charming beautiful women. Frank started conning money so he was able to take women out on dates and buy them nice gifts, and as he became more dependent on his addiction he brought his crime to the next level. Most of Franks success depended on his lady friends because he would spend nights at their houses will he was on the run, even years after he had last been in touch with him. Franks addiction pushed him further and further down the path of crime until there was no return, and even then is pushed him a step further making him the most wanted con artist in the world. The Realities of the Situation: This movie was set in the 1960s, when technology was still very basic. This allowed Frank to pass his fake checks much more easily, and allowing him more time to escape authorities. It also provided Frank with the ability to create fake diplomas and not be caught, since there were not any easily accessible computerized records of who had graduated from certain places. Also, he could create a fake passport, but now that is extremely difficult, especially after the increased security since the 9-11 attack. At this day in age, it would take much more than some glue-on numbers and a photocopier to create the documents necessary to perform Franks crimes. Slide 5 Story Pictures A Bit More on What Actually Happened: Frank Abagnale Junior was raised in Bronxville, New York by his family. When Frank ran away, he traveled all over the U.S.A. posing as a Pan Am. Pilot and passing bad checks. He visited cities such as Los Angeles, Boston, Denver, Chicago, Miami, and Washington, as well as many others, eventually becoming a wanted criminal in all 50 States. Frank became a doctor when he felt it unsafe to continue being a pilot, and moved to a resort, River Bend, in Atlanta, Georgia, where he resided for approximately a year. Once a replacement doctor was found, he relocated to the capital of a southern state, posing as a lawyer graduated from Harvard. When a real Harvard graduate started poking around into Franks Harvard experience, he fled and toured the western states before settling down in Ohio. Here, Abagnale became a sociology teacher at a University for a semester. When his teaching time was up, Frank flew to California, and he went back to his paperhanging tricks. Abagnale got caught up with a woman in San Fransisco, and was there for a while, until confessing who he was, and fleeing and touring the western states. He kept traveling America before going to Mexico, and obtaining a fake passport there, which allowed him to travel out of the country. Frank traveled over to Europe, and visited countries such as England, Italy and France. He was eventually caught in France, after settling down in Montpelier. He was thrown into a crammed, black, 4x4x4 cubicle for 6 months, before being transferred into a nicer Swedish prison for an additional 6 months. He was transferred back to the U.S.A. where he escaped from his plane, and managed to evade the FBI for multiple months, before being captured. Slide 6 The Real Frank The Real Frank Abagnale: Frank was born on April 27, 1948 in Bronxville, New York to Paulette and Frank Abagnale Senior. They divorced when Frank was 14, and Frank was the only child of 4 who was taken into custody by his father. Franks father used Frank to try to reunite their family, but after the hearing, Frank Jr. ran away, never to see his father again. Frank became a world class criminal, posing as a pilot, pediatrician, lawyer, and sociology teacher. He continued running from police, and kept cashing bad checks. Frank eventually became wanted in 26 different countries and all 50 States. He was eventually caught after years of running, and rotted in a French prison for 6 months. He was then transferred to a Swedish jail, and released to an American prison, where he spent another 4 years. He was released on patrol in Texas, and after several failed jobs (such as grocer and cook) due to background checks, he decided to try and help banks prevent crooks from paperhanging them. One year after becoming legitimate, Frank married a woman named Kelly, and they now have 3 sons, Scott, Chris, and Sean. Frank teaches at the FBI Academy, and owns Abagnale and Associates. He is a legitimate millionaire, and approximately 14,000 institutes currently use Franks fraud-prevention methods. Franks has written 3 other books in addition to Catch Me If You Can. He has appeared on numerous television shows, and as of spring, 2011, and he now has a musical about his life.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Free Essays - Isolation in Macbeth :: Free Macbeth Essays
Isolation in Macbeth Isolation is a state of being separation between persons or group, or a feeling being alone. There are different factors that contribute to someone feeling alone and isolated. An example of this would be when celebrities go into deep depression because they feel isolated from the whole world. They have all the material things they could ever want, but the one thing they want the most, they do not have. , which is happiness, which comes from satisfaction within oneself and being satisfied with what one has done in one's life. Feeling isolated does not necessarily mean a person is bad. Evidence in Shakespeare play Macbeth , demonstrates this quite clearly that MacBeth's isolation comes from guilt , over-ambition and greed. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have both shown guilt, but at different stages in the play. Isolating guilty feelings only begins to isolate them from the world around them. Macbeth is the first to feel guilt at the begging of the play, but towards the end he has nothing but isolation. Lady Macbeth has both isolation and guilt. In act III , scene two , lines 6 to 9, Lady Macbeth says, " Noughts had all's spent, where our desire is got without content. Tis safer to be that which we destroy". She is describing how the murder of Duncan has made them lose everything but has made them gain nothing. Her guilt has gotten the best of her by act IV, when all she has on her mind is guilt. When Lady Macbeth says in act V. scene two, line 43 to 44, "Heres the smell of blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand". She knows the murder is irrevocable, and nothing can be done to erase the deed from her mind. Over ambitious feelings pave the way to isolation. When MacBeth becomes over ambitious about something. he begins to get absorbed into the ambition until eventually the rest of the world does not matter anymore. It seemed as though Lady Macbeth wanted the throne for her husband , more than he wanted it for himself. She persuades him until he finally gives in, as shown in act II, line 54 when Lady Macbeth says, "When you durst do it, then you were a man".
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Family Therapy Model Essay
Family therapy models of psychotherapy can be divided into three classificationsââ¬âahistorical, historical, and experiential (Griffin & Greene, 1998, p. 3). The ahistorical classification includes structural family therapy, strategic family therapy, behavioral family therapy, psychoeducational family therapy, and communication models (Griffin & Greene, 1998, p. 3). The historical classification includes object relations theory and Bowen systems theory (Griffin & Greene, 1998, p. 3). The experiential classification contains only one modelââ¬âthe experiential family therapy model (Griffin & Greene, 1998, p. 3). While the historical models focus on changing the familyââ¬â¢s patterns of interaction as a means of removing the presenting problems, the historical models are rooted in psychoanalysis, with a longer therapy intervention in which the therapist is less involved than in the other classifications (Griffin & Greene, 1998, p. 3). Experiential models, on the other hand, are more concerned with the patientââ¬â¢s growth, a process of both experiencing and monitoring internal problems, and the patientââ¬â¢s self-identity development within the family context (Griffin & Greene, 1998, p. 3). The history of the models and the therapistââ¬â¢s role in each differs, so given the size limitations of this paper, a separate history on each is not feasible. Each theory has its own major contributors. Among the ahistorical models, structural family theory, for example, was influenced by Gregory Bateson, who focused on verbal and nonverbal communication; the Palo Alto Team, which developed the concept of ââ¬Å"family homeostasis;â⬠and Salvador Minuchin, who saw families as functioning to socialize children and facilitate the mutual support of married couples, suffering problems when boundaries were either too porous or too rigid (Werner-Wilson, n.d., pp. 2-4). Of the historical models, object relations theory was influenced by Melanie Klein and later by Otto Kernberg, who focused on drives and the consolidation of Freudian and non-Freudian objectà relations theory, respectively (Griffin & Greene, 1998, p. 3; Tribich, 1981, p. 27). In the experiential model, Whitaker redefined symptoms as ââ¬Å"attempts at growthâ⬠and used modeling to offer ââ¬Å"fantasy alternatives to actual stressorsâ⬠(Griffin & Greene, 1998, p. 12). Three of the five key concepts of family therapy models are embodied in Schutzââ¬â¢s Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation, or FIRO modelââ¬âinclusion, control, and affection (Hafner & Ross, 1989, p. 974). Parr (2000, p. 256) refers to the affection concept as ââ¬Å"intimacyâ⬠when she states, ââ¬Å"The family FIRO model hypothesizes a paradigmatic view of the familyââ¬â¢s relationship organization around the three interrelated core needs of inclusion, control, and intimacy.â⬠Inclusion involves a feeling of belonging within the family context, and it requires a sense of connectedness, a shared belief system, and an organized structure that the family incorporates to handle issues of roles and boundaries (Parr, 2000, p. 255). The concept of control involves the way the family interacts in terms of power and influence, as when these are used to resolve conflict in the areas of ââ¬Å"discipline, role negotiations, and problem solvingâ⬠(Parr, 2000, p. 256). The affection or intimacy concept demonstrates the family membersââ¬â¢ needs for interactions that allow them to be open with each other about their feelings and areas of vulnerability (Parr, 2000, p. 256). Another key concept is communication theory. There are varied types of communication theory, but the one that is most appropriate to family therapy is family communication patterns theory, which serves as a model of family communication based on relational connections among communication behaviors (Fitzpatrick, 2004, p. 175). Finally, the concept of networks is an integral part of the family therapy approach. Networks provide support during family therapy when the family itself is under stress. As Goldenberg and Goldenberg (p. 12) point out, ââ¬Å"The support of a network of friends, extended family, clergy, neighbors, employers, and fellow employees and the availability of community resources often contribute to family recovery,â⬠and ââ¬Å"even chaotic, disorganized, abusive, and multi-problem families have resources.â⬠An evaluation of family therapy from the Christian perspective reveals that it is compatible with Christian principles. Because it is a mode of therapy predicated mainly on understanding the dynamics of family life and helping family members to change their dysfunctional behavior, there is little in family therapy thatà runs at cross-purposes with Christian thinking. Inclusion, control, and affection are all Christian concepts as well. Everyone is included in the group of those eligible to be Christians, and one only needs to choose to belong. Control of oneââ¬â¢s actions is integral to the Christian perspective, with manifestations of a lack of control being regarded as problems. Affection is a hallmark of Christianity, and Jesus displayed genuine affection to people, urging his disciples to do the same. Communication theory is more than relevant to Christianity, as evidenced by the vast amount of communication that takes place in the Bible and the many interactions that are recorded there to help believers understand both desirable and undesirable forms of communication. Moreover, Christianity is a community-oriented religion in many ways, urging believers to help those in need and to love others, so its precepts fit neatly into the concept of the support network, as well. Jesus traveled about the countryside, as did His disciples, taking help to people in various towns along the way, and there is a palpable sense of community in the Christian way of life, which considers other peopleââ¬â¢s feelings, welfare, and interests as well as oneââ¬â¢s own. Finally, there is in Christianity a strong family model, as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are essentially a divine family unit, and thus family therapy models are intrinsically structured to relate to the Christian model. References Fitzpatrick, M.A. (2004). Family Communication Patterns Theory: Observations on its Development and Application. The Journal of Family Communication, 4(3/4), 167-179. EBSCO Host. Goldenberg, H., Goldenberg, I. (2007). Family Therapy: An Overview. Florence, KY: Brooks Cole. Griffin, W.A., Greene, S.M. (1998). Models of Family Therapy: The Essential Guide. New York: Routledge. Hafner, R.J., Ross, M.W. (1989). The FIRO Model of Family Therapy: Implications of Factor Analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45(6), 974-979. Klein, M., Tribich, D. (1981). Kernbergââ¬â¢s Object-Relations Theory: A Critical Evaluation. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 62, 27-43. Retrieved on March 25, 2010 from: http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=IJP.062.0027A Werner-Wilson, R.J. (n.d.). Family Therapy Theory. Retrieved on March 25, 2010 from: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~hd_fs.511/lecture/Sourcebook20.ppt
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Twenty-Seven
Bounce Bounce Bounce Swish Catch Bounce Bounce Swish Catch Stefan stood on the free-throw line of the empty basketbal court, mechanical y dribbling and throwing the bal through the net. He felt empty inside, an automaton making perfect identical shots. He didn't real y love basketbal . For him, it lacked both the satisfying contact of footbal and the mathematical precision of pool. But it was something to do. He'd been up al night and al morning, and he couldn't stand the endless pacing of his own feet around the campus, or the sight of the four wal s of his room. What was he going to do now? There didn't seem to be much point to going to school without Elena beside him. He tried to block out his memories of the centuries of wandering the world alone, without her, without Damon, that preceded his coming to Fel ââ¬Ës Church. He was shutting down his emotions as hard as he could, forcing himself numb, but he couldn't help dimly wondering if centuries of loneliness were in store for him again. ââ¬Å"Quite a talent you got there,â⬠a shadow said, stepping away from the bleachers. ââ¬Å"We should have recruited you for the basketbal team, too.â⬠ââ¬Å"Matt,â⬠Stefan acknowledged, making another basket, then tossing the bal to him. Matt lined up careful y to the basket and shot, and it circled the rim before dropping through. Stefan waited while Matt ran to get the bal , then turned to him. ââ¬Å"Were you looking for me?â⬠he asked, careful y not asking if Elena had sent him. Looking surprised, Matt shook his head. ââ¬Å"Nah. I like to shoot baskets when I've got some thinking to do. You know.â⬠ââ¬Å"What's going on?â⬠Stefan asked. Matt rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. ââ¬Å"There was this girl who I kind of liked, who I've been thinking about for a while, wanting to ask out. And, uh, it turns out she already has a boyfriend.â⬠ââ¬Å"Oh.â⬠After a few minutes, Stefan realized he ought to respond with something more. ââ¬Å"I'm sorry to hear that.â⬠ââ¬Å"Yeah.â⬠Matt sighed. ââ¬Å"She's real y special. I thought ââ¬â I don't know, it would be nice to have something like what you and Elena have. Someone to love.â⬠Stefan winced. It felt like Matt had twisted a knife in his gut. He flung the bal at the basket, not aiming this time, and it bounced back at them hard off the backboard. Matt jumped to catch it, then moved toward him, holding out a hand. ââ¬Å"Hey, hey, Stefan. Take it easy. What is it?â⬠ââ¬Å"Elena and I aren't seeing each other anymore,â⬠Stefan said flatly, trying to ignore the stab of pain from saying the words. ââ¬Å"She ââ¬â I saw her kissing Damon.â⬠Matt looked at Stefan silently for what felt like a long time, his pale blue eyes steady and compassionate. Stefan was struck sharply by the memory that Matt had loved Elena, too, and that they had been together before Stefan came into the picture. ââ¬Å"Look,â⬠Matt said final y. ââ¬Å"You can't control Elena. If there's one thing I know about her ââ¬â and I've known her for our whole lives ââ¬â it's that she's always going to do what she wants to do, no matter what gets in her way. You can't stop her.â⬠Stefan began to nod, hot tears burning behind his eyes. ââ¬Å"But,â⬠Matt added, ââ¬Å"I also know that, in the end, you're the one for her. She's never felt the way she does about you for anyone else. And, y'know, I'm starting to discover that there are other girls out there, but I don't think you're going to. Whatever's going on with Damon, Elena wil come back to you. And you'd be an idiot not to let her, because she's the only one for you.â⬠Stefan rubbed the bridge of his nose. He felt breakable, like his bones were made of glass. ââ¬Å"I don't know, Matt,â⬠he said tiredly. Matt grinned sympathetical y. ââ¬Å"Yeah, but I do.â⬠He tossed Stefan the bal and Stefan caught it automatical y. ââ¬Å"Want to play Horse?â⬠He was tired and heartsick, but, as he dribbled the bal , thinking that he'd have to take it a tiny bit easy to give Matt a chance, Stefan felt a stirring of hope. Maybe Matt was right. ââ¬Å"Are you crazy?â⬠Bonnie shouted. She had always thought that ââ¬Å"seeing redâ⬠was just a metaphor, but she was so angry that she actual y was seeing the faintest scarlet touch on everything, as if the whole room had been dipped in blood-tinged water. Meredith and Elena exchanged glances. ââ¬Å"We're not saying there is anything wrong with Zander,â⬠Meredith said gently. ââ¬Å"It's just that we want you to be careful.â⬠ââ¬Å"Careful?â⬠Bonnie gave a mean, bitter little laugh and shoved past them to grab a duffel bag out of her closet. ââ¬Å"You're just jealous,â⬠she said without looking at them. She unzipped the bag and started to dump in some clothes. ââ¬Å"Jealous of what, Bonnie?â⬠Elena asked. ââ¬Å"I don't want Zander.â⬠ââ¬Å"Jealous because I'm final y the one who has a boyfriend,â⬠Bonnie retorted. ââ¬Å"Alaric is back in Fel ââ¬Ës Church, and you broke up with both your boyfriends, and you don't like seeing me happy when you're miserable.â⬠Elena shut her mouth tightly, white spots showing on her cheekbones, and turned away. Eyeing Bonnie careful y, Meredith said, ââ¬Å"I told you what I saw, Bonnie. It's nothing definite, but I'm afraid that the person who attacked that girl might have been Zander. Can you tel me where he was after you two left the party last night?â⬠Focusing on stuffing her favorite jeans into what was already starting to seem like an overcrowded bag, Bonnie didn't answer. She could feel an annoying tel tale flush spreading up her neck and over her face. Fine, this was probably enough clothes. She could grab her toothbrush and moisturizer from the bathroom on her way down the hal . Meredith came toward her, hands open and outstretched placatingly. ââ¬Å"Bonnie,â⬠she said gently, ââ¬Å"we do want you to be happy. We real y do. But we want you to be safe, too, and we're worried that Zander might not be everything you think he is. Maybe you could stay away from him, just for a little while? While we check things out?â⬠Bonnie zipped up her bag, threw it over her shoulder, and headed for the door, brushing past Meredith without a glance. She was planning to just walk out but, at the last minute, wheeled around in the doorway to face them again, unable to bite back what she was thinking. ââ¬Å"What's kil ing me here,â⬠she said, ââ¬Å"is what hypocrites you two are. Don't you remember when Mr. Tanner was murdered? Or the tramp who was almost kil ed under Wickery Bridge?â⬠She was actual y shaking with fury. ââ¬Å"Everyone in the whole town thought Stefan was responsible. Al the evidence pointed at him. But Meredith and I didn't think so, because Elena told us she knew Stefan couldn't have done it, that he wouldn't have done it. And we believed you, even though you didn't have any proof to give us,â⬠she said, staring at Elena, who dropped her eyes to the floor. ââ¬Å"I would have thought you could trust me the same way.â⬠She looked back and forth between them. ââ¬Å"The fact that you're suspecting Zander even though I'm standing here, tel ing you he would never hurt anybody, makes it clear that you don't respect me,â⬠she said coldly. ââ¬Å"Maybe you never did.â⬠Bonnie stomped out of the room, hitching the strap of the duffel bag higher on her shoulder. ââ¬Å"Bonnieâ⬠she heard behind her and turned to look back one more time. Meredith and Elena were both reaching after her, identical expressions of frustration on their faces. ââ¬Å"I'm going to Zander's,â⬠Bonnie told them curtly. That would show them what she thought about their suspicions of him. She slammed the door behind her.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Cover Letter Writing Guide
Cover Letter Writing Guide When applying for a job, apart from your resume you should send your cover letter. Writing a great cover letter can get your foot in the hiring managers door, even if you dont have the perfect resume. Usually, there are only 2 types of cover letters ââ¬â predictable and boring ones and the rare specimenâ⬠of cover letters that grab the hiring managers undivided attention and increase your chances of landing the job interview. Keep in mind that you need to accomplish these 4 aspects with your cover letter: Introduce yourself to the hiring manager. Explain why you should get the job. Write things you didnt describe in your resume. Give a short explanation of other aspects of your resume. Sections of ?over Letter In this regard, the standard format of the cover letter contains these 3 sections: 1. Contact Information At the beginning of your cover letter, you should write some personal information. In this section, you should briefly mention a basic info about yourself ââ¬â degree, area of study/expertise, and your career goals (make sure that those terms align with the goals of the company). Tip: Find out to whom youre writing by researching. Use the companys official website, LinkedIn, or call the company and ask for the hiring managers name. Even if you write it wrong, the hiring manager will appreciate the effort youve made. 2. Introduction (self-promotion) In this section, its important to directly respond to the job description that hiring manager wrote. Explain how your skills, abilities, and previous job experiences can help you to meet the companys needs. The best way of doing this is by literally including words and phrases hiring manager used in the job description in your cover letter. Tip: Include a bulleted list of your accomplishments because that way your experience looks more impressive. 3. Conclusion The final paragraph is often called the call to action section of your cover letter. Inform the hiring manager that youre looking forward to meet in person. Write something like Thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter and thats it. Tip: Write that youll call or send e-mail in a week if you dont get back the response. That is a good way to show that you know how to take the initiative when needed. Cover Letter Page Format Congratulations! Now you have great content for your cover letter but your work isnt over yet. You should not forget about how your cover letter really looks and feels as its the document that gives hiring manager the first (and often the most relevant) impression about you. That is a very important aspect of the cover letter so you need to pay attention to elements such as font style and size, alignment, and margins. When it comes to the font style, its really a matter of choice. You should use a professional looking one that matches/or similar to the font used on the companys website. Standard font size is 10-12 depending on the font style you chose. Make sure that person who will read your cover letter will not strain the eyes. You should maintain a uniform alignment through the whole cover letter. Its the best to keep all paragraphs left-aligned. When we talk about margins, 1 ââ¬â 1.5 margins are always a safe choice. If you are having troubles fitting everything on one page, you can make the margins little smaller but make sure not to make the content look crammed together. Formatting For Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a tool that most of the companies use during hiring process to make the reviewing applications faster. Its basically a software that works like some kind of resume database and sorts and organizes applications. Some of ATS are programmed to screen candidates based on the content you included in your resume. Conclusion If youve carefully read the guide above, you should be able to write a great cover letter. So, if youve responded directly to the job description, and included keywords and phrases from it in your own cover letter, you already have high chances of highlighting yourself among bunch of others. After all, your goal is to make the hiring manager to read your cover letter carefully. Your part is to write a great cover letter, in order to give you a higher chance of getting a job and if you feel like you need some help you can buy a cover letter from us. The rest is up to a hiring manager. Good luck!
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Faith In Jesus
Christian followers believe that in order to have a relationship with God, all you have to do is have faith in His son, Jesus Christ. Even as a Christian, I often find myself doubting that my simple faith is enough. Knowing I did nothing, and can never do anything to deserve a relationship with God, I catch myself thinking I need to do more ââ¬â or be more. But like this Galatians verse states, it is not about following the Law, or rules, or doing good things that will put me in favor with God. The relationship He offers is a free gift of salvation, and all I or anyone else has to do is believe in the one He sent. Sometimes I get discouraged with the Christian Church today in regards to this. Some ââ¬Å"believersâ⬠think that the ticket to heaven is living a good life and doing nothing wrong. However, you can perform as much good as you see fit, but if your heart is not in it for the Lord, you are not saved and do not have a true relationship with God. It is not about the works we do; it is about the condition of our heart and soul, and laying it down for Him. I think this is the most beautiful aspect of my faith, that all I have to do to receive the love of Jesus Christ is to believe in Him. (Unlike other traditions that require certain prayers, offerings, etc. to get to the Supreme Being or ultimate final state.) I find extreme comfort in the fact that my God is a God of love; He desired so much for us to be able to have a relationship with Him that He sent down His only son to die for us. And all we have to do is believe in that.... Free Essays on Faith In Jesus Free Essays on Faith In Jesus Christian followers believe that in order to have a relationship with God, all you have to do is have faith in His son, Jesus Christ. Even as a Christian, I often find myself doubting that my simple faith is enough. Knowing I did nothing, and can never do anything to deserve a relationship with God, I catch myself thinking I need to do more ââ¬â or be more. But like this Galatians verse states, it is not about following the Law, or rules, or doing good things that will put me in favor with God. The relationship He offers is a free gift of salvation, and all I or anyone else has to do is believe in the one He sent. Sometimes I get discouraged with the Christian Church today in regards to this. Some ââ¬Å"believersâ⬠think that the ticket to heaven is living a good life and doing nothing wrong. However, you can perform as much good as you see fit, but if your heart is not in it for the Lord, you are not saved and do not have a true relationship with God. It is not about the works we do; it is about the condition of our heart and soul, and laying it down for Him. I think this is the most beautiful aspect of my faith, that all I have to do to receive the love of Jesus Christ is to believe in Him. (Unlike other traditions that require certain prayers, offerings, etc. to get to the Supreme Being or ultimate final state.) I find extreme comfort in the fact that my God is a God of love; He desired so much for us to be able to have a relationship with Him that He sent down His only son to die for us. And all we have to do is believe in that....
Sunday, October 20, 2019
USS Arkansas (BB-33) in World War II
USS Arkansas (BB-33) in World War II Nation:à United StatesType:à BattleshipShipyard:à New York Shipbuilding, Camden, NJLaid Down:à January 25, 1910Launched:à January 14, 1911Commissioned:à September 17, 1912Fate:à Sunk July 25, 1947, during Operation Crossroads USS Arkansasà (BB-33) - Specifications Displacement:à 26,000à tonsLength:à 562 ft.Beam:à 93.1 ft.Draft:à 28.5 ft.Propulsion:à 12à Babcock and Wilcoxà coal-fired boilersà with oil spray, 4-shaftà Parsonsà direct-driveà steam turbinesSpeed:à 20.5à knotsComplement:à 1,063à menââ¬â¹ Armament (As Built) 12 Ãâ"à 12-inch/50 caliber Mark 7à guns21 Ãâ"à 5/51 caliber guns2 Ãâ" 21à torpedo tubes USS Arkansas (BB-33) - Design Construction Conceived at the 1908 Newport Conference, theà Wyoming-class of battleship was the US Navys fourth type of dreadnought after the earlierà -,à -, andà -classes.à The first incarnations of the design came about through war games and debates as the earlier classes had not yet entered service.à Central among the conferences findings was the need for increasingly larger calibers of main guns.à During the latter months of 1908, discussionsà ensued over the configuration and armament of the new class with various layoutsà being considered.à On March 30, 1909, Congress authorizedà construction of two Design 601 battleships.à The Design 601 plansà called for a ship approximately 20% larger than theà Florida-class and carrying twelve 12 guns.à Namedà USSà Wyomingà (BB-32) and USSà Arkansasà (BB-33), the two ships of the new class were powered by twelve Babcock and Wilcox coal-fired boilers with direct drive turbines turning four propellers.à The arrangement of the main armament saw the twelve 12 guns mounted inà six twin turrets inà superfiring (one firing over the other) pairs forward, amidships, and aft.à To support the main guns, naval architects added twenty-one 5 guns with the bulk placed in individual casemates below the main deck. Additionally, the battleships carried two 21 torpedo tubes.à For protection, theà Wyoming-class utilized the main armor belt eleven inches thick.à Assigned to New York Shipbuilding Corporation in Camden, NJ, construction startedà on Arkansasà on January 25, 1910.à Work advanced over the next year andà the new battleship entered the water on January 14, 1911, with Nancy Louise Macon of Helena, Arkansasà serving as sponsor.à Construction concluded the following year andà Arkansasà shifted to the Philadelphia Navy Yard where it entered commission on September 17, 1912, with Captain Roy C. Smithà in command. USS Arkansas (BB-33) - Early Service Departing Philadelphia,à Arkansasà steamed north to New York to take part in a fleet review for President William H. Taft.à Embarking the president, it then carried him south to the Panama Canal construction site before conducting a brief shakedown cruise.à Retrieving Taft,à Arkansasà transported him to Key West in December before joining the Atlantic Fleet.à Taking part in routine maneuvers during the majority of 1913, the battleship steamed for Europe that fall.à Making goodwill calls around the Mediterranean, it arrived in Naples in October and aided in celebrating the birthday of King Victor Emmanuel III.à Returning home,à Arkansasà sailed for the Gulf of Mexico in early 1914 as tensions with Mexico increased. In late April, Arkansasà took part in the US occupation of Veracruz.à Contributing four companies of infantry to the landing force, the battleship supported the fighting from offshore.à During the battle for the city,à Arkansas detachment sustained two killed while two members won the Medal of Honor for their actions.à Remaining in the vicinity through the summer, the battleship returned to Hampton Roads in October.à Following repairs at New York, Arkansasà began three years of standard operations with the Atlantic Fleet.à These consisted of training and exercises in northern waters during the summer months and in the Caribbean in the winter.à USS Arkansas (BB-33) - World War I Serving with Battleship Division 7 in early 1917, Arkansasà was in Virginia when the US entered World War I that April.à Over the next fourteen months, the battleship operated along the East Coast training gun crews.à In July 1918,à Arkansasà transited the Atlantic and relieved USSà Delawareà (BB-28) which was serving with the 6th Battle Squadron in Admiral Sir David Beattys British Grand Fleet. Operating with the 6th Battle Squadron for the remainder of the war, the battleship sortied in late November along with the Grand Fleet to escort the German High Seas Fleet into internment at Scapa Flow.à Detached from the Grandà Fleet on December 1,à Arkansasà and other American naval forces steamed for Brest, France where they met the liner SSà George Washingtonà which was carrying President Woodrow Wilson to the peace conference at Versailles.à This done, the battleship sailed for New York where it arrived on December 26. USS Arkansas (BB-33) - Interwar Years In Mayà 1919,à Arkansas served as a guide ship for a flight of US Navy Curtiss NC flying boats as they attempted a trans-Atlantic flight before receivingà orders to join the Pacific Fleet that summer.à Passing through the Panama Canal,à Arkansasà spent two years in the Pacific during which time it visited Hawaii and Chile.à Returning to the Atlantic in 1921, the battleship spent the next four years conducting routine exercises and midshipmen training cruises.à Entering the Philadelphia Navy Yard in 1925,à Arkansasà underwent a modernization program which saw the installation of oil-fired boilers, a tripod mast aft, additional deck armor, as well as the trunking of the ships funnels into a single, larger funnel.à Rejoining the fleet in November 1926, the battleship spent the next several years in peacetime operations with the Atlantic and Scouting Fleets.à These included a variety of training cruises and fleet problems. Continuing to serve, Arkansasà was at Hampton Roads in September 1939 when World War II began in Europe.à Assigned to the Neutrality Patrol reserve force along with USSà New Yorkà (BB-34), USSà Texasà (BB-35), and USSà Rangerà (CV-4), the battleship continued training activities into 1940.à The following July,à Arkansasà escorted US forces to the north to occupy Iceland before being present at the Atlantic Charter conference a month later.à Resuming service with the Neutrality Patrol, it was at Casco Bay, ME on December 7 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. USS Arkansas (BB-33) - World War II Following training activities in the North Atlantic,à Arkansasà arrived at Norfolk in March 1942 for an overhaul.à This saw a reduction in the vessels secondary armament and an enhancement of its anti-aircraft defenses.à After a shakedown cruise in the Chesapeake,à Arkansasà escorted a convoy to Scotland in August.à It repeated this run again in October.à Beginning in November, the battleship began protecting convoys bound for North Africa as part of Operation Torch.à Continuing in this duty until May 1943,à Arkansasà then moved to a training role in the Chesapeake.à That fall, it received orders to aid in escorting convoys to Ireland. In April 1944, Arkansasà commenced shore bombardment training in Irish waters in preparation for the invasion of Normandy.à Sortieing on June 3, the battleship joined Texasà in Group II before arriving off Omaha Beach three days later.à Opening fire at 5:52 AM,à Arkansas first shots in combat struck German positions behind the beach.à Continuing to engage targets through the day, it remained offshore supporting Allied operations for the next week.à Operating along the Norman coast for the rest of the month, Arkansasà shifted to the Mediterranean in July to provide fire support for Operation Dragoon.à Striking targets along the French Riviera in mid-August, the battleship then sailed for Boston. Undergoing a refit,à Arkansasà prepared for service in the Pacific.à Sailing in November, the battleship reached Ulithi in early 1945.à Assigned to Task Force 54,à Arkansasà took part in the invasion of Iwo Jima beginning on February 16.à Departing in March, it sailed for Okinawa where it provided fire support for Allied troops following the landings on April 1.à Remaining offshore into May, the battleships guns bombarded Japanese positions.à Withdrawn to Guam and then the Philippines, Arkansasà remained there into August.à Sailing for Okinawa late in the month, it was at sea when the word was received that the war had ended. USS Arkansas (BB-33) - Later Career Assigned to Operation Magic Carpet,à Arkansasà aided in returning American servicemen from the Pacific.à Employed in this role through the end of the year, the battleship then remained at San Francisco through the early part of 1946.à In May, it departed for Bikini Atoll via Pearl Harbor.à Arriving at Bikini in June, Arkansasà was designated as a target ship for the Operation Crossroads atomic bomb testing.à Surviving Test ABLE on July 1, the battleship was sunk on July 25 following the underwater detonation of Test BAKER.à Officially decommissioned four days later,à Arkansasà was struck from the Naval Vessel Register on August 15. Selected Sources DANFS: USSà Arkansasà (BB-33)NHHC: USSà Arkansasà (BB-33)U-boat.net: USSà Arkansasà (BB-33)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Case Study - Provide a network solution Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
- Provide a network solution - Case Study Example This of course will see the need for other subsidiary components such as routers, network interface cards, and custom-made software that will facilitate the smooth operation of the overall network. Because these changes on Alpha Omega Industries are likely to bring up high set up costs, cloud computing is recommended as method that will help in cutting down the cost of set up on the system. Cloud computing involves the use of resource required by the system whereby this resources are obtained through hosted services found in the internet. This will help Alpha Omega Industries concentrate more on other developmental projects rather than spend a lot of time and resources in setting up the infrastructure ( Zhang, 2005). In short, cloud computing will enable Alpha Omega Industries outsource most of its hardware and software services. It will also allow Alpha Omega industriesââ¬â¢ applications performing faster due to less traffic as compared to an Ethernet network. This will see the c ompany reduce its maintenance cost and facilitate the rapid adjustment of its IT infrastructure depending on the ever-changing industry demands (Barreiros, 2010). In order to implement cloud computing to its operations, Alpha Technologies will have to use the cloud facility as on demand software otherwise known as Software as a service(SaaS), whereby the providers of this service will demand a subscription fee from Alpha Omega Industries. This is of economic essence because as Ross writes, cloud-computing enables a business to allocated funds that would otherwise be used as operation costs, in accomplishing other IT objectives (Zhang, 2010). Due to the sensitive nature of data that might be stored in the file servers of Alpha Omega Industries, a hybrid cloud is the most recommended platform for the company. The hybrid cloud incorporates both local and cloud storage. The high hybrid cloud part of storage will run within the corporate firewall and will only be accessible to the firmâ â¬â¢s branches in Miami, Florida, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Frankfurt, Germany, Dubai, UAE, and Shanghai, China whereby they will access files remotely through a network to an object based storage. For this case, the private cloud will be under the control of the IT department. File Servers and File Sharing For the file servers, Alpha Omega Industries will incorporate the use of a hybrid cloud file server, which is a multiuser user system, which will have features such as file locking, activity auditing for the purpose of security and file locking. It will be achieved through storing archived data in the cloud storage and maintaining customer information in the in house fie storage servers (Barreiros, 2010). This will enable the organization take advantage of the cost effectiveness and scalability facilitated by this approach of storage. The most appropriate public cloud storage facility for Alpha Omega Technologies industries would be Amazon Simple Storage facility (Amazon s3). A c loud storage gateway will be necessary for the purpose of incorporating the hybrid cloud as it will make the cloud appear as a local storage device thereby making it possible to perform any necessary protocol translation. The hybrid cloud platform will enable the organizationââ¬â¢s divisions share files in a more efficient and streamlined manner. It will be implemented through synchronizing of files in the main file server storage and the hybrid cloud giving regard to
Friday, October 18, 2019
Benchmark progress towards sustainability Essay - 2
Benchmark progress towards sustainability - Essay Example e the estimate and compare the eco friendly initiatives of the two companies on the basis of four dimensions, namely pollution prevention, clean technology, base of pyramid (indicating crystallizing growth of the two companies) and product stewardship. The paper will conclude that PepsiCo is the leader in terms of sustainability activities, when compared with that of Coca Cola. Finally some specific recommendations will also be provided, on the basis of which any company can improve its sustainable activities. In the recent times, the concept of ââ¬Å"Triple Business Lineâ⬠has become very important. According to this policy, the company can aim to improve its business by abstaining from harming the people, planet and profitability (Butje, 2005). Modern day business enterprises are increasingly investing in sustainable practices as they have realized that in order to achieve competitive advantage these practices are indispensible. The organizations are also getting highly engaged in corporate social responsibilities for creating a better impact on the community (Hawkins, 2006).). This paper discusses about Hartââ¬â¢s sustainability framework, which stresses on the importance of sustainability in global business. The first part of the essay briefly discusses about the model that has been proposed by Stuart Hart and Marks Milstein. This model has been extremely advantageous in understanding the particular benefits that can be enjoyed by a company by following the sustainable strate gy. Then this framework is used to understand the sustainability measures that have been adopted by two of the largest beverages companies, PepsiCo and Coca Cola Company. The idea is to determine the market leader between these two companies. Stuart Hart along with Marks Milstein devised the model of sustainability value framework, which linked societal challenges to sustainability in a global economy with value of the shareholder. Hart had adapted a framework of natural resources that can be
Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory and Existential Psychology Essay
Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory and Existential Psychology - Essay Example Freud thinks that the human mind is made up of three componentsââ¬âthe id, the ego, and the superego. Through his actual experience with mentally ill individuals, Freud realized that unconscious needs and childhood experiences determine behavioral patterns. From these observations, Freud created a theory that portrayed development in the form of psychosexual stages. Freudââ¬â¢s theory explains that as children grow or mature, they move through psychosexual stages. At every stage, the pleasure-oriented drive of the libido is concentrated on a specific body part. The effective completion of every stage results in a stable, strong personality later in life. But if a conflict stays unsettled at any specific stage, the person may stay absorbed or trapped at that specific developmental stage (Mitchell & Black 49). An obsession may arise. For instance, an individual with an ââ¬Ëoral obsessionââ¬â¢ is thought to be trapped at the oral developmental stage. Indications of an oral obsession may involve too much dependence on oral activities like eating or smoking (Cavell 214). Freud believes that conflicts in every stage can have a permanent impact on behavior and personality (Guntrip 33). ... Freudââ¬â¢s psychoanalytic theory had a massive influence on twentieth-century knowledge, influencing the field of psychology and mental health. Although a large number of his ideas are criticized or treated with skepticism nowadays, his impact on or contribution to psychology is unquestionable. Psychoanalytic theory was very influential at the time and until now. Those influenced by the ideas of Freud tried to expand his theory and create their own. The theories of Erik Erikson, who is considered a neo-Freudian, have been possibly the most widely recognized. Eriksonââ¬â¢s psychosocial development stages explain change and progress all over the lifespan, placing emphasis on conflicts and social relations that emerge during each stage of development (Guntrip 29). One of the Freudian psychoanalytic concepts that was very influential was the structure of personalityââ¬âthe id, the ego, and the superego. According to Freudââ¬â¢s psychoanalytic theory, the mind is composed of two major componentsââ¬âthe unconscious and conscious. The unconscious part involves all those external to an individualââ¬â¢s awareness, such as memories, impulses, desires, and aspirations that reside outside the awareness but keep on affecting behavior. On the contrary, the conscious part involves those things that an individual is aware of (Mitchell & Black 48). Freud thinks that the mind is like an iceberg. The visible part of the iceberg, which is the tip, comprises only a small fraction of the mind, while the massive portion of submerged ice embodies the much bigger unconscious part. Besides these two key portions of the mind, Freud classifies human personality into three key partsââ¬âthe id, the ego, and the superego. The id is the basic component of personality that
Contemporary Entrepreneurial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Contemporary Entrepreneurial - Essay Example Information was also sourced from reliable online sources such as newspaper articles of major media houses such as CNN, and reports posted on websites of international financial and economic organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and the Organization for Economic Cooperation-operation and Development. These online reports were used because they obtain their information from official government sources and thus this information is valid. In addition, online articles of peer-reviewed economic and business journals were used because in some, cases hard copies were not available. The Greek small and medium enterprise (SME) sector plays a very crucial role in the countryââ¬â¢s economic development. The SME sector employs the majority of Greeceââ¬â¢s labor force and accounts for two thirds of the non-primary sector sales volume. The SME sector has particularly been important in the wake of the debt and economic crises that have been facing Greece for a couple of years now. As numerous companies went bankrupt and retrenched thousands of workers, the SME sector proved to be a valuable source of employment as it absorbed many of the employees who lost their jobs (Markatou, 2012, 56 ââ¬â 65). Although many SMEs also went bankrupt because of the crisis, majority of them survived, and many start-ups are still coming up as a result of entrepreneurship driven by innovation. The general decrease in demand for goods due to falling income levels led to fierce competition among SMEs forcing businesses to initiate value-driven innovations in a bid to obtain an ed ge over competitors. Through the PESTLE analysis, this report evaluated the competitiveness of Greek SMEs by analyzing the factors that affect the ability of businesses to become or remain competitive. Factors that this report analyzes are the PESTLE factors which include political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors. The political factors that affect the ability of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Application of constructivism theory in French Mali intervention Essay
Application of constructivism theory in French Mali intervention - Essay Example Mali faced some civil conflict since January 2012. Northern region of the country, Azawad, majorly occupied by the Islamic believers have been fighting for independence from the Malian government. The rebellious troops, dubbed The National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad (MNLA) fought the government to liberate Azawad and make it for Tuereg people, and three months later, the troop had taken over the region. The conflict sparked the coup of President Amadou Toure, and another troop dubbed CNRDR took over the nation before suspending the national constitution. Mali became unstable and the rebels took charge of major Malian cities. MNLA was supported by several Islamic militias, and after the MNLA conquer; Islamic laws were introduced in the Northern region of Mali. Later the Islamic and MLNA developed some conflicts. The government sought help from foreign nations to resolve the insecurity and instability in the country, and by January 2013, French military launched some ope rations against the Islamic militias. The operation was successful, since the Malian military took over from the Islamic militia a month later. History indicate that The French military took active role in the fight against the Islamic troops but trained the Malian military on advanced and effective war and defensive tactics, until they took over. The French Military applied the constructivism theory, also called learning theory to train the Malian military. This work is about the application of the constructivism theory in training the Malian troops by the French facilitators and boosting Malian national security. Maliââ¬â¢s national security was compromised when some Islamic rebellious troops launched several attacks in the Northern Mali in 2012 (Cole-Turner, 2001). The French being the former colonial master of Mali were the first to rescue the situation since the country would have turned into a hostile war zone. The first mission was to train the Malian national defensive te am on the application of modern military technologies to fight the religious militia. Constructivism Theory The theory implies that humans apply newly learned knowledge together with prior experience to undertake any duty or make effective decisions. It comes from the word ââ¬Ëconstructsââ¬â¢ which means a special kind of filters in the human body system which carry certain knowledge and tend to change human reality from a certain state of confusion to some kind of order. The constructivism theory has some ties with cognitive as well as biological human systems. The theory is applied in several fields of learning. For instance, it helps pass or grasp some knowledge in experiments, discovery learning, as well as project and task based trainings. This work is about the application of the constructivism theory in training the Malian troops by the French facilitators and boosting Malian national security. Maliââ¬â¢s national security was compromised when some Islamic rebellious troops launched several attacks in the Northern Mali in 2012 (Cole-Turner, 2001). The French being the former colonial master of Mali were the first to rescue the situation since the country would have turned into a hostile war zone. The first mission was to train the Malian national defensive team on the application of modern military technologies to fight the religious militia. The Constructivism theory was first applied in the early 20th century with some neuroscientists who believed that the main role of education is to increase societal knowledge. Experimental learning was encouraged since it tends to provide a practical platform to enable the learner add such knowledge to those learnt in theoretical class (Schein, 2011). The theory was to boost three basic elements of education namely thinking, reflection, as well explorations. The neurosurgeons lament that the theory was developed in certain sequences until it could be proved and applied in the society (Witte, 2007). Some
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice - Essay Example e status of vasectomy via interviews; most of the interviews involved telephoning, administration of questionnaires, the use of the healthcare centres registries, as well as the physical interview by nurses. Among the participants of the research included patients that had experienced the vas deferensââ¬â¢ surgical operation. In order to control the cases study various controls were taken into account; these included individuals that were diagnosed with skin and lung cancer. Other conditions such as digestive disorders and rehabilitation problems, as well as the neighbours of the patients were also treated as the controls of the case study (Bernal, Latour and Gomez, 2012). However, as regards they made decisions regarding the relevance of the primary studies, Bernal, Latour and Gomez (2012) do not point out the modality of selecting the papers for a review. The quality of the methodology was evaluated by taking into consideration a number of threats that are likely to be absent or present with respect to the validity. Among the threats included misclassifying of a disease and inadequacy of selecting the controls. Bernal, Latour and Gomez (2012) carried out an observation on a population of 221,238. Out of this population, 14,334 were categorized under case-control studies, while 206,904 fell under the cohort studies; there were nine case-control studies, and five cohort studies. Following the research, Bernal, Latour and Gomez (2012) claimed that the experimental evidence that was attained regarding the relationship between prostate cancer and vasectomy was characterized by a low level of quality. It was identified that there are several biases with respect to the sources; the sources attempted to overestimate the effect of vasectomy. In this respect, the evidence that was experienced does not advocate for a change in the family planning; this is due to lack of justified evidence. Similarly, the evidence does not indicate whether individuals who have experienced
Application of constructivism theory in French Mali intervention Essay
Application of constructivism theory in French Mali intervention - Essay Example Mali faced some civil conflict since January 2012. Northern region of the country, Azawad, majorly occupied by the Islamic believers have been fighting for independence from the Malian government. The rebellious troops, dubbed The National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad (MNLA) fought the government to liberate Azawad and make it for Tuereg people, and three months later, the troop had taken over the region. The conflict sparked the coup of President Amadou Toure, and another troop dubbed CNRDR took over the nation before suspending the national constitution. Mali became unstable and the rebels took charge of major Malian cities. MNLA was supported by several Islamic militias, and after the MNLA conquer; Islamic laws were introduced in the Northern region of Mali. Later the Islamic and MLNA developed some conflicts. The government sought help from foreign nations to resolve the insecurity and instability in the country, and by January 2013, French military launched some ope rations against the Islamic militias. The operation was successful, since the Malian military took over from the Islamic militia a month later. History indicate that The French military took active role in the fight against the Islamic troops but trained the Malian military on advanced and effective war and defensive tactics, until they took over. The French Military applied the constructivism theory, also called learning theory to train the Malian military. This work is about the application of the constructivism theory in training the Malian troops by the French facilitators and boosting Malian national security. Maliââ¬â¢s national security was compromised when some Islamic rebellious troops launched several attacks in the Northern Mali in 2012 (Cole-Turner, 2001). The French being the former colonial master of Mali were the first to rescue the situation since the country would have turned into a hostile war zone. The first mission was to train the Malian national defensive te am on the application of modern military technologies to fight the religious militia. Constructivism Theory The theory implies that humans apply newly learned knowledge together with prior experience to undertake any duty or make effective decisions. It comes from the word ââ¬Ëconstructsââ¬â¢ which means a special kind of filters in the human body system which carry certain knowledge and tend to change human reality from a certain state of confusion to some kind of order. The constructivism theory has some ties with cognitive as well as biological human systems. The theory is applied in several fields of learning. For instance, it helps pass or grasp some knowledge in experiments, discovery learning, as well as project and task based trainings. This work is about the application of the constructivism theory in training the Malian troops by the French facilitators and boosting Malian national security. Maliââ¬â¢s national security was compromised when some Islamic rebellious troops launched several attacks in the Northern Mali in 2012 (Cole-Turner, 2001). The French being the former colonial master of Mali were the first to rescue the situation since the country would have turned into a hostile war zone. The first mission was to train the Malian national defensive team on the application of modern military technologies to fight the religious militia. The Constructivism theory was first applied in the early 20th century with some neuroscientists who believed that the main role of education is to increase societal knowledge. Experimental learning was encouraged since it tends to provide a practical platform to enable the learner add such knowledge to those learnt in theoretical class (Schein, 2011). The theory was to boost three basic elements of education namely thinking, reflection, as well explorations. The neurosurgeons lament that the theory was developed in certain sequences until it could be proved and applied in the society (Witte, 2007). Some
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Extinction of Baiji Essay Example for Free
The Extinction of Baiji Essay The Baiji, also known as the Chinese River Dolphin, are part of the family Plantanistiade, the river dolphin family. They had exsited in the Yangtze River in China for thousand of years. Nevertheless, the Baiji was recently declared extinct. The baijiââ¬â¢s demise can be attributed to over fishing, its lethal environment and the Great Leap Forward in China. Excessive and illegal fishing was a great threat to the baijiââ¬â¢s way of life. Electric fishing and the fishing method called ââ¬Å"rolling hooksâ⬠were been banned in China. However, fishermen on the Yangtze River still use them out of convenience, and enforcement of the ban was difficult. The expert Zhou states, ââ¬Å"This (electic) fishing method, in which an under waterdevice is used to stun aquatic animals, kills any organism induding what was once the dolphinââ¬â¢s prey.â⬠40 percent of Dolphins deaths were due to this kind of fishing annually (Gerg Ruland). In addition, rolling hooks, ââ¬Å"long, braided lines with numerous sharp hooks are meant to catch fish, caused a number of baiji death.â⬠As long as the baiji was caught by one of the hooks, it would struggle with more rolling hooks. Finally, the blood flew out of the baijiââ¬â¢s body, and it would die. (Requiem for a Freashwater Dolphin) . The environment in the Yangtze River, where the baiji had settled its habitat in, was fatal to the baiji. Traffic on the Yangtza River, which is the busiest in the world, damaged the audition of the baiji. Lovgren in his article states that, ââ¬Å"The large-ship traffic on the Yangtze, one of the worldââ¬â¢s busiest waterways, confounds the sonic wave that the nearly blind dolphin used to depend on to find food.â⬠Moreover, the boats on the Yangtze attracted a number of the baiji to collide with propellers, since the propellers produced much of the sound wave and confused the baijiââ¬â¢s audition (Ruland). Another assignable cause that destroyed the baijiââ¬â¢s habitat was dams along the Yangtze River. Thes dams further destroyed the ecology of the river. And when the biggest dam, the Three Gorges Hydroelectric Dam in 1994, began to be constructed, this ââ¬Å"wreaked havoc on the baijiââ¬â¢s remaining habitat. In 1997, only 13 baiji remainedâ⬠(The Tragedy of the Yangtze River Dolphin). People take the big advantage of the valuable nature resources, living near by the Yangtze. However, because of the intemperate use, the baiji could not survive in the perishing environment and finally die. However, neither Chinese people nor the Chinese government kept the protection of the species in mind during the time period of the Great Leap Forward, which was the time to change China into a modern, industrialized communist society. The baijiââ¬â¢s population declined dramatically at the time. The baiji was denounced for their historical status, ââ¬Å"Goddess of the Yangtze Riverâ⬠(Smith, et al). As a result people were encouraged to kill the baiji, since the story of this species was regarded as a part of superstition and feudalism. The baiji also killed for their white skin and flesh(Smith, et al) . It was encouraged for the contemporary to kill the baiji, since they treat baiji as their profit and the symbol of the bad traditional influence. In conclusion, the extinction of the baiji resulted from human activities. People who live near by the Yangtze improved their live depended on the destroying the baijiââ¬â¢s habitat and capturing the baiji. The tragedy of the baijiââ¬â¢s extinction came at a price while the living standard of people was promoted.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Strengths Based Model and Social Role Valorization (SRV)
Strengths Based Model and Social Role Valorization (SRV) In your own words, explain the strengths and weaknesses of each model Strength Based Model (SBM) The Strengths This model strongly focuses on the identification of peopleââ¬â¢s abilities, interests and capabilities and on their strengths and potential. This is a recovery model used in mental health rehabilitation. In New Zealand, there are a number of standardized assessments that have been developed. Since 1998, all mental health services in New Zealand have been required by government policy to use the recovery approach. It is an empowering approach as the focus is on the strengths and abilities of the person rather that deficits and problems of the person and their family. The policy has concerned the way to use of stigmatizing, labeling or blaming language. The Strength Based Model creates hope by focusing on what has worked well for them in the past. The strength base model indentifies the positive things for the person and their environment. The strength based model realized communities are seen as resources not barriers. SBM understand the needs of mental people lead to can support them in their journey. The Weaknesses Following the Ministry of Youth Deveopment, 2009 SBM has unstructured youth activities. For example: SBM does not have aim or focus for youth clubs and are associated with poor immediate and long-term outcomes for the young people involved. Social role valorization (SRV) The Strengths In 1983, SRV is formulated by Wolf Wolfensberger. SRV gives a concept of transacting human relationships and human service. The major purpose of SRV is creates and supports socially valued for people in society. Moreover, SRV is intended to be used to analyze the process and effects of societal devaluation. SRV gives people know about the right of individuals valued equally and they have opportunity to contribute meaningful for their community. SRV mentions that if people have valued roles by society than they are more likely to access the good life as in friendships, the family, education, opportunity for workâ⬠¦ SRV has 2 broads strategies for enhancing the perceived value of people. The firstly, focusing on enhancing social image. The secondly, focusing on the personââ¬â¢s ability to fulfill lives that are socially valued. SRV can influence assessment, planning and coordination by giving a clear idea of services needed to fulfill socially valued roles. Service is provided within the service framework so often people with disability live, work and socialize with the same people and staff. The Weaknesses SRV has existed several years. It needs time to give more complementary. SRV does not improve consciousness of guarantee concern about devalued people in society. Even though SRV affects participants, it cannot control the character of participants. SRV has several societal impacts, which confined to narrow human service fields. The people in SRV are providing the re-valorization efforts. For example, support workers are paid for their job lead to SRV is not helping for disabled person out of interpersonal motivation for example: attraction, emotional attachment or friendship, and people are well aware of this. Hence, SRV is non-genuine and unstable. Comparison includes perspectives of disabled or older people (or a specific group of people) are considered. (Disabled People) The Strength Based Model (SBM) Assessment: The assessment is necessary for disabled people and mental problem because it will collect the clientââ¬â¢s information and the staff can understand the clientââ¬â¢s condition. The assessment will assess about the strength, aim and preferences of client. The SBM will identify skills, resources and capacity rather than deficits. SBM will setup the goals, which are realistic and achievable. Coordination Improving the relationship between the client and the professional The service system has capacity to go to the client. The service and support not only are addressed current clinical issues but also include social, housing, employment and spiritual for intellectual disability. Planning Planning focus on the steps how to achieve the goals of client. Moreover, planning also wants to improve the commitment between staff and support workers. Each client has their own planning to recovery. The Social Role Valorization Needs assessment and service coordination This is a service model where services are provided for people who meet either MOH and DHB eligibility. The MOH contracts NASC to access people with neurological conditions that result in permanent disabilities, developmental disabilities in children and young people include physical intellectual or sensory. NASC services are also delivered for people aged over 65 who have an age related illness. The services are provide as community support services, resident care, respite care, day care, behavior support, rehabilitation services and equipment. The assessment will identify current abilities, resources, goals and needs and establish what is the most important need for person. A comprehensive package of services may be required to meet individual needs. These may be from different funded sources, community support services and residential support. Service coordination is a process that enables an individual to meet their goals. Planning Following the assessment, planning includes identifying activities to achieve the personââ¬â¢s goal, meet needs and promote problem solving. Family needs to involve the process of disabled people. In addition, any friend or other relatives of the client can also help for the person with disability. The needs of client need to identify in care plan for all staff know when they give care. A summary of the expected outcomes for disabled or older people (or a specific group people) The Strength Based Model (SBM) There are several expected outcomes brought from the Strength Based Model. SBM creates special feeling and make strong sense of hope and optimism. SBM can find out weaknesses and vulnerabilities and can build on strengths. The purpose of SBM is creates helping process on strengths, interest and knowledge. SBM creates good relationship as collaborative and mutual between organization, client and their family. SBM emphasizes that individuals has duty own their recovery and SBM provides caring community. The social role valorization The main goal and purpose of SRV is wants to create and support valued roles for people. If people can understand socially valued roles lead to they can receive from their society good things. For example: community support, opportunity for a better life. Conformation that there is sufficient detail in the model to cover assessment, planning and coordination Comparison accords with recommended texts Wayne Hammond, Ph.D. 2010. Principles of Strength-Based Practice. Resiliency Initiatives. John McCormack, October 2007. Recovery and Strengths Based Practice. Glasgow Association for Mental Health. Rangan Aarti, Sekar K. 2006. Strengths Perspective in Mental Health. Evidence Based Case Study Joe Osburn, 1998. An Overview of Social Role Valorization Theory. Jane Sherwin, 2007. Social Role Valorization Theory as a Resource to ââ¬ËPerson Centred Planningââ¬â¢. Laurie Davidson, February 2005. Recovery, self management and the expert patient-changing the culture of mental health from a UK perspective
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Location Analysis Of A Franchise Restaurant :: essays research papers
Location Analysis of a Franchise Resturaunt Problem Statement: Boston Pizza International Inc. is a Canadian owned and operated restaurant. It has many facilities in Canada and has opened facilities in the United States and in Southeast Asia. Boston Pizza is penetrating further into the Canadian market and is opening at a new location on 8th Street in Saskatoon. The chosen location has been the home of many previous restaurant failures. It seems odd that any restaurant would want to open in a location which has proven to be unsuccessful. What characteristics does Boston Pizza have that other restaurants don't have that may allow this location to be successful? This new location will be the second Boston Pizza franchise in Saskatoon, complimenting the facility operating on 50th Street. Will the market areas of these two restaurants overlap? * * * * * The early beginnings of this restaurant occurred in Edmonton, Alberta. In 1963 the first Boston Pizza and Spaghetti House opened. The name of the restaurant is seemingly odd because Boston is the name of a city in the United States, and has nothing to do with a pizza restaurant located in Edmonton. Ron Coyle, the original owner, named the restaurant 'Boston' because the Boston Bruins NHL hockey team was the favorite of the Edmonton area in the 1960's and he wanted his business to use sports as a promotion. Another reason, which may have been more of a coincidence, was that his accountant's surname was Boston ("only way", 37). Boston Pizza and Spaghetti House became a popular restaurant and in 1968 it began to operate as a franchise. In mid-1968, Jim Treliving, a former drum major for the RCMP, and his friend Don Spence bought the franchising rights for British Columbia with the exception of Vancouver. They opened their first unit in Penticton, British Columbia, and in the first year of operation the pizza restaurant grossed $52,000 and the nightclub which was co-located with the restaurant grossed $80,000 (Cameron, 16). Meanwhile, franchise units opened in Edmonton, Winnipeg and Vancouver. As the pizza chain grew, Treliving and George Melville (who had become involved with Treliving's restaurants as a financial planner) became involved in real estate ventures in Hawaii and the Okanagon Valley and also in oil investments in British Columbia (Cameron, 16). In 1983, these two men purchased Boston Pizza Spaghetti House from the original owner Ron Coyle for $3 million. This money was raised from private lenders ("recipe is simple", 16). During that same year, the headquarters of Boston Pizza was moved from Edmonton, Alberta to Richmond, British Columbia where it is found today.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Analysis of the Movie, The Insider Essay -- Insider Movie Film Analys
The Insider (1999) is a film rife with ethical dilemmas, suspense and controversy. It is based on a true story related to a 1994 episode of the CBS news show 60 Minutes that never aired. The plot puts Dr. Jeffrey Wigand (Russell Crowe) at odds with Brown & Williamson, the third largest tobacco companies in the country. Wigand was fired from his position as Vice President of Research and Development, at which he was instructed to hide information related to the addictive nature of nicotine. The plot takes off when Lowell Bergman (Al Pacino), producer for 60 Minutes, discovers that Wigand has a story to tell. The best way for Wigand to tell that story is with the help of Bergman, via an interview aired on 60 Minutes. However, tobacco companies have a history of viciously defending their profits, by whatever means necessary, and Brown & Williamson does just that. The story hits a climax as the interests and incentives of the television station CBS, 60 Minutes, Dr. Wigand and Brown & Williamson are played out. Portrayal of Business The film portrays business in an extremely negative light. It focuses on two central conflicts ââ¬â one between Brown & Williamson and Wigand, the other between CBS Corporation and Bergman. Brown & Williamson is the primary antagonist. The film is ripe with examples of the bad things they do. Their principle, most damaging offense is deceit. They are charged with covering up the addictive properties of nicotine and finding ways to exploit it to increase profits. For example, in Wigandââ¬â¢s interview for 60 Minutes, he says that tobacco companies view cigarettes only as a delivery device for nicotine. He also says they take advantage of the addictive properties by manipulating and adj... ...ons, the responsibility that power implies and the responsibility of media as a corporate watchdog. It seems obvious that large corporations have a tendency to ignore the negative effects of their actions in favor of profit. This example, although sensationalized, still says to me that with power comes responsibility. It affirmed my belief that a corporationââ¬â¢s goal cannot be just to provide profit to shareholders, but there must also be an element of social responsibility. It also made me think about mediaââ¬â¢s role in business. I think it should be just as portrayed in this film. Bergman relentlessly pursued the truth, using a very credible source. Too often today, media is spoon fed by corporations. Media has a responsibility to objectivity that can be important in keeping businesses honest. But, itââ¬â¢s really up to media to maintain that objectivity.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Aiims and Objectives
Task 1 ââ¬â The aims and objectives of Tesco & Nike Aims: An aim is a goal of which a business wants to achieve. For example, some businesses aim to expand whilst others aim to survive. Another aim that a business can have is selling as much as possible whilst others aim to improve the quality of their products. Objective: An objective is what a business wants to achieve but more precise targets than aim. For example an objective for a business can be to sell 1000 more products than we sold last year, sell more products than its competitors, make ? 0,000 more profit than the previous year. Aim vs Objective: The difference between an aim and an objective is that an objective is more precise and measureable than an aim. For example an aim can be to make more profit, whilst an objective can be to make ? 10,000 more profit than the previous year. The best type of objectives is a SMART objective. SMART stands for the following; S ââ¬â Specific M ââ¬â Measurable A ââ¬â Agre ed R ââ¬â Realistic T ââ¬â Time constrained An example of a SMART objective is ââ¬Ëto increase in sales of organic products to ? 1 billion by 2006ââ¬â¢. This is a specific objective, it is also measurable and is time constrained it must be achieved by 2006, given customer interest in organic product, it is also realistic, and if this objective has also been agreed with suppliers and store managers, this it is a SMART objective, but if Tesco had merely said it wanted ââ¬Ëto increase sales of organic productââ¬â¢ then this is not SMART, and it also cannot be measured easily. Why an objective must be measurable? An objective of a business must be measurable in order to see if the business has reached its aim, however if it is necessary a business can change its objective in order to meet its aim. A business can make its objective measurable; instead of saying we will make more profit. A business can make its objective measurable by giving it a time to measure; therefore a measurable objective can be we will make ? 10,000 more profit than the previous year. Aims of Nike: â⬠¢ Nike is aiming to upgrade its profit by more than 50% in the next five years. From the Internet. â⬠¢ Nike is aiming on developing low-cost canvas footwear in developing countries in the next 3 years. From the Internet. â⬠¢ Nike is aiming to keep their brand as the largest sportswear brand in the world, by preventing Adidas from outshining them. From the Internet. â⬠¢ By the next year Nike is aiming to show in its adverts, and annual reports that it has good intentions with regards to working conditions. From the Internet. â⬠¢ Nike is aiming for 50% Revenue Growth over Next Five Years. From the Internet. â⬠¢ Nike is aiming to upgrade its volume more than 50% in the next fives years. From the Internet. Aims of Tesco: â⬠¢ Tesco is aiming to upgrade its profit by more than 50% in the next five years. From the Internet. â⬠¢ Tesco is aiming to understand their customers better than anyone in the next 3 years. From the Internet. Tesco is aiming to make their company the largest supermarket in the next 8 years, by outshining global competitors such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour. From the Internet. â⬠¢ Tesco are aiming to provide 150 more organic products than the previous year. From the Internet. â⬠¢ By the next year Tesco is aiming to show in its adverts, and annual reports that it has good intentions with regards to working conditions. From the Internet. Aims and objectives of Tesco and Nike: All types of businesses including Tesco and Nike must be professionally organised in order to achieve the aims and objectives that it has set itself. Businesses including Tesco and Nike must have aims to find out which department that they need to improve in, in order to improve the business as a whole. Businesses including Tesco and Nike must make objectives to find out how they are going to achieve the aims that it has set itself. Why the aims and objectives of Nike and Tesco differ: The aims and objectives of my two chosen organisation which are called Tesco and Nike differ because Tesco is more like a supermarket which sells foods, and also non-food goods and services such as jewellery, books, CDs, and clothes. Whilst Nike is more like a giant sports organisation which doesnââ¬â¢t sell non-food goods, but it sells sports products such as trainers and clothes. The main objective of Nike is to protect and improve Nikeââ¬â¢s position as the number one athletic brand in America and around the world; this proves that Nike has the ambition to make their organisation as big as possible, Nike are only interested in expanding their organisation. Comparison of business aims: Moreover Tescoââ¬â¢s main objective is to take over Homebase and Argos in sales of homeware, electrical goods and services, this proves that Tesco doesnââ¬â¢t want to only be known as a food retailer organisation, but they also want to be known as an organisation which also offers their customers competitive prices in homeware, and electrical goods and services. Tesco and Nike have different aims because theyââ¬â¢re in different categories of business, moreover they are also in a different sector of business and ownership. Tesco try to fulfil the needs of their customers, they do this by providing their customers with products which are of good quality. Tescoââ¬â¢s main aim to improve the popular products that are amongst their customers that they already have; thereafter they should bring in more products that their customers are in need of. Furthermore, in present time Tesco are trying to progress their company in the electronic, gaming and clothing sector at an affordable cost. So as a result even though its only of a minority Tesco also happen to cover some other sectors such as; clothing, gaming and electronic. Tesco will choose aims that suit them and are reasonable in other words aims that can be achieved. Tesco acknowledge that fact that other branded products will be expensive to buy and will not suit the company as in order to make great profits the prices of the products must be sold expensively, therefore in order to sort out this problem Tesco have made their own brand of high quality of products at a low and reasonable price, hence Tesco has the title of being one of the cheapest supermarkets in Britain. However other supermarkets such as Asda and Sainsburyââ¬â¢s also have their own branded products. Tesco posses a great quality that all businesses crave to posses; and that quality is none other than the fact that Tesco is incredibly organised. I know for a fact that Tesco are organised, because I remember going to Tesco and I witnessed the fact that products that are relevant are in the same section so that it makes easier for the customers to find their desired product and compare the prices with similar products for example they locate baby products in the same section near each other, so that parents looking to buy baby cereal and baby yoghurt will not suffer the exhaustion of travelling to the other end of the supermarket. Tesco also name the sections so that customers donââ¬â¢t get confused. The thing that I also like about Tesco is that they locate baby stuff in sections that are near to each other so once again the customer doesnââ¬â¢t need to walk across to the other side of the supermarket to get a cereal and the other side to get pampers. However other supermarket that Iââ¬â¢ve seen with my own eyes such as Asda also do this. I say that Tesco and Asda are the most organised supermarket in Britain ( Judging from my own eyes), Both supermarkets have new/ products with special offers near the entrance; they use this method to make sure that new/ products with special offers is the first thing that the customers sees, hence the customer will not miss the special offer or a new product. Another reason why they do this is because Tesco acknowledges the fact that customers like to see whatââ¬â¢s new and that if they canââ¬â¢t find the new roduct/s then they will start to ask the staff, this will make them busy and also stop the staff from concentrating on their work. Nike is a company that sells and manufacture all type of sports wear and products. The advantages that Nike has are that they both manufacture and sell products that their customers have an interest in. In order for Nike to sell more goods and services they (Nike) sponsor sport stars such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Roger Federer and Tiger Woods. You can observe that these sport stars are one of the best and on top in their profession, hence they have a big fan base and these fans like to imitate their idols and wear similar clothing; due to the fact these sports stars posses an enormous fan base is noteworthy because it will mean that the fans will buy the Nike products, that the sports stars are wearing. However this doesnââ¬â¢t come in cheap, as the sports stars get paid an enormous amount for wearing the Nike clothing range. The followings is how much each Sport star get paid by Nike. â⬠¢ Cristiano Ronaldo ââ¬â Currently gets ? 6 million a year sponsorship. â⬠¢ Roger Federer ââ¬â Currently gets ? 8. 4607875 million a year sponsorship â⬠¢ Tiger Woods ââ¬â Currently gets ? 13. 0165962 million a year sponsorship Although these Sports stars get paid generously, I however think that they are worth it ââ¬Ëbecause they have helped Nike to generate sales. However Adidas who are Nikeââ¬â¢s competition also have endorsement deals for Sport starts most notably David Beckham. However my other business (Tesco) will not be able to sponsor sports stars as their main speciality is by selling food products especially groceries and sport stars are not relevant to what they sell therefore the sport stars wonââ¬â¢t be able to generate more profit for Tesco moreover the other reason is that Nikeââ¬â¢s financial situation is better than Tescoââ¬â¢s therefore Tesco wonââ¬â¢t afford to pay the enormous amount anyways that is needed to pay these huge sports stars with enormous fan base behind them. The aims and objectives of Tesco and Nike is differs because Nike is very different to Tesco as Nike only has few Niketowns shops as they sell their wide range of sports products to shops such as JD and Sports Direct but Tesco sell their own branded products and products that are not Tesco branded therefore Nike and Tesco will have different aims and objectives as both the businesses are ran differently and located in different areas. Moreover it can also be different because all the Niketowns I see are densely populated such as the one in Oxford, moreover Nike products can be bought in batch (shops such as JD and Sports Direct buy in batch, because they will save capital from buying in batch) but this cannot be done in Tesco as Tesco locate themselves in a location near some type of estate which has a lot of people there so that their customers donââ¬â¢t take long journeys and as a result goods and services are sold individually; because of this fact the aims and objectives of Tesco and Nike will differ. Nike have factories to make their products whilst Tesco buy their goods and services from other people whilst they also sell their own branded products some of which are made in the store (such as bread and other groceries) therefore it will be fresh for customers to consume. This is one of the reasons why the aims and objectives of Tesco differ. Moreover Nike and Tesco can also have few similar aims and objectives because the ownership of both Tesco and Nike is public limited company which means that shares are traded on the stock exchanged, however the interesting reason for Tesco and Nike being a public limited company is because of their enormous size. If both Nike and Tesco were owned by a sole trader or by a partnership except being owned by a public limited company then due to their enormous size it would be very difficult to raise enough funds for Tesco and Nike. Similarly, both companies are owned by shareholders. Tesco and Nike are not successful on meeting their aims and objective, because they havenââ¬â¢t released a statement saying that they have been successful on achieving their aims and objectives. |Similarities: |Differences: | |Both Tesco and Nike are aiming to upgrade their profit by more |Tesco is aiming to become the largest supermarket in the world | |than 50% in the next five years whilst Nike is aiming to protect their no. 1 status of being | | |the largest sportswear brand in the world | |By the next year both Tesco and Nike are aiming to show in |Tesco is aiming to understand their customers better than | |their adverts, and annual reports that they have good |anyone in the next 3 years whilst Nike is aiming for 50% | |intentions with regards to working conditions. |Revenue Growth over Next Five Years. | Suggestion of business aims: I would suggest for Tesco to aim to manufacture (Tesco branded) sporting products such as treadmill, rower and cycle for women by the next year as women of this generation have no-time to go to the gym and they want to stay in shape, be fit whilst others want to lose however Tesco should manufacture (Tesco branded) weights and other home gym equipments as most men want to get a toned physique; if Tesco manufacture these (Tesco branded) products in the near future then they will meet the demands of their customers, and because itââ¬â¢s Tesco branded it should be reasonably cheap. Tesco should perhaps imitate Nike and sponsor a famous fitness model for the advertisement of the products I have suggested. I would suggest Nike to aim to introduce interesting and exciting fitness programmes by the next year for people who suffer to lose weight/gain muscle or donââ¬â¢t know how to lose weight/gain or simply need to be motivated to lose weight/gain muscle; this will make Nike wider and more appealing to their customers as they will not only be helping their customers but also beating their competitive businesses such as Adidas and Reebok because both of these Nikeââ¬â¢s do not sell fitness programmes to their customers which will give Nike an edge of their competitive businesses. Nike should also then sponsor a world famous fitness model to advertise the product that I have suggested. From my own experience I think that although Nike have a range of great quality products they however donââ¬â¢t have them in competitive prices and this is what some customers complain about (me, and my friends), wearing Nike looks cool but the prices on the clothes is just too much, therefore the product that I suggest Nike to manufacture should be very competitive. The difference between Nike and Tesco is that Tesco have cheap products whilst the products of Nike are very expensive and other customers who are less fortunate will have to dig deep in their pockets to buy the Nike product that they desire. I suggest Nike to make their products cheaper as we are in the recession and some people donââ¬â¢t have jobs so they wonââ¬â¢t be able to afford it, plus some have had their salary cut down due to the recession. Another suggestion that I would like to make for both of my companies is that I think that they should both aim to join with their biggest competitor by the next 3 years which will contribute in my companies to expand to such an extent that no business can reach their heights, as the less superstores are around the less options the customers have and the more likely the customers will go to Tesco or Nike. Or if they donââ¬â¢t like the idea of joining with their competitors then I would suggest both of my companies to start using franchises for their business; and thereby aim to have 5,000 new franchises in the next 5 years. This will allow my business to expand and grow faster and more cheaply, than buying all the branches. This will also benefit the franchisees; due to the fact that my companies are very popular, well-known and familiar to people across the globe and it is also promoted and advertised both nationally and internationally thereby the franchisee will not have to bother to advertise which will save him/her cost. The franchisee will also benefit from advices on how to run the business and usually have exclusive and special rights to operate in a certain location which could really help boost __________________________________________________________ Sources/References http://www. mirrorfootball. co. uk/news/Cristiano-Ronaldo-wins-pound-6million-Nike-contract-article26148. html http://tennisinfoblog. com/roger-federer-to-sign-new-lucrative-10-year-contract-with-nike http://www. google. co. uk/search? hl=en&rls=com. microsoft%3Aen-gb%3AIE-SearchBox&q=convert+13+dollars+to+pounds&meta=&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai
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